


genitive/locative/vocative singular of ciąg

Hyphenated as
♂️ Masculine
Pronounced as (IPA)

  1. string, chain, sequence (series of uninterrupted things)
  2. string, chain, sequence (series of uninterrupted events in time)
  3. stream (flow of some liquid or gas)
  4. sequence (an ordered list of objects, typically indexed with natural numbers)
  5. flocking, migration (group movement of animals)
  6. binge (prolonged period of intoxication or excessive heavy drinking)
  7. thrust (the force generated by propulsion, as in a jet engine)
  8. (colloquial) pull, tug (act or result of pulling)
  9. (obsolete) row, line
  10. (obsolete) part of a published article, story etc. contained in a single edition
  11. (obsolete) thread (series of events in a story)
  12. (obsolete) engraving, etching
  13. (obsolete) furrow
  14. (obsolete) team of horses hitched in side-by-side pairs
  15. (obsolete) gust of wind, draft of air (przeciąg)
  16. part of a net where a hunter draws line


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