


Pronounced as (IPA)

Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî)

Start learning Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî) with learnfeliz.

Practice speaking and memorizing "çimkî" and many other words and sentences in Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî).

Go to our Northern Kurdish (Kurmancî) course page
Çimkî   ol  weka rihê bedenê ye.

Because religion is like the soul of the body.

Çimkî   ji bo  Kurda  dest
  ji   heş
, wijdan  û  ola  xwe   berdan .

Because they gave up their heart, conscience and religion for the Kurds.

Çimkî   zimanê   me  şûnda maye  û   gelek   di  paşta xistinin.

Because our language is left behind and many have been pushed back.

Çimkî  xebatên  Kurdî   niha  tev  bi  dildariyê tên holê.

Because the Kurdish works are now coming out with enthusiasm.

Xwedê  cudahî nake  nav  mirovan  çimkî   Xwedê  Rahman  û  rahîm e.

God does not discriminate between people because God is Merciful and Merciful.
