


  1. James
  2. a male given name, equivalent to English Jacob or James
  3. a surname
  4. Santiago, Santiago de Compostela (the capital city of Galicia, Spain)
  5. Santiago, Santiago de Chile (the capital city of Chile)

Hyphenated as
♂️ Masculine
Pronounced as (IPA)
Inherited from Latin
Sanctus Iācōbus


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Fixo   o  doutoramento  en   Santiago .

He completed his doctorate in Santiago.

Licenciouse  en   Filosofía   pola   Universidade   de   Santiago de Compostela .

He graduated in Philosophy from the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Ocupou  a  cátedra  de  Edafoloxía  na   Universidade   de   Santiago .

He holds the Chair of Edaphology at the University of Santiago.

Licenciouse  en   Medicina
  na   Universidade   de   Santiago de Compostela   coa   cualificación   de  sobresaínte.

He graduated in Medicine from the University of Santiago de Compostela with the qualification of outstanding.

Pepe Sendón coordina  a  gravación  da   canción
  que  aportan  os   de   Santiago .

Pepe Sendón coordinates the recording of the song that those of Santiago contribute.
