


  1. in the morning
  2. every morning

Western Frisian

Start learning Western Frisian with learnfeliz.

Practice speaking and memorizing "moarns" and many other words and sentences in Western Frisian.

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  kaam   krekt   út  Parys  en  gie  de  oare  moarns   troch   nei  Londen.

He had just come from Paris and was going on to London the next morning.

De  wedstriden  begjinne   moarns   om  healwei njoggenen.

The matches start at half past eight in the morning.

Jo   wurde   de   moarns  opnommen  en  deselde  moarns  operearre.

You will be admitted in the morning and operated on the same morning.

Moarns  binne  wy  grommelich,  want   de   moarn  wurdt  ús   altyd  wer te betiid  brocht .

In the morning we are grumpy, because the morning is always brought to us too early.

Hjir  yt men  moarns   en  jûns  bôle
  en   yn   it
 middeisskoft  waarm

Here they eat bread in the morning and in the evening and hot in the afternoon.
