


third-person singular preterite indicative of pasar

Hyphenated as
Pronounced as (IPA)


  1. to pass, to hand, to slip
  2. to happen
  3. to pass, to get past, to go past, to go by, to go over, to get through
  4. to spend time
  5. to enter a room
  6. to go too far, exaggerate
  7. to exceed, surpass, go over
  8. to ripen too much, become rotten, become off (food)
  9. to pass (filter)
  10. to strain, to sieve, to sift
  11. to break the law, rule, order
  12. to trespass (enter on someone's property without permission)
  13. to puree (crush or grind food into a puree)
  14. to omit, leave out
  15. to send, transmit
  16. to stand, tolerate, bear
  17. to go through, to pass through, to swing by (+ por)
  18. to begin a process or action; (with ser) to become, to come to be
  19. to pass an exam
  20. to stop by, to swing by
  21. to spend (time)


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