


  1. to point, to aim, to take aim (a weapon)
  2. to point out, to suggest, to hint
  3. to underline, to mark (text)
  4. to note down, to write down
  5. to outline, to sketch
  6. to baste (to sew with long or loose stitches)
  7. to tack, to fasten temporarily
  8. to patch, to darn, to sew, to mend
  9. to sharpen (a weapon or tool)
  10. to prompt, to cue, to whisper the answer
  11. to bet, to put up money, to stake (only in certain card games)
  12. to sign up
  13. to be in, be down, be game
  14. to chalk up, to notch (a win, a victory, points, success)

Hyphenated as
Pronounced as (IPA)


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