stellt ein


  1. inflection of einstellen: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative
  2. inflection of einstellen: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative
  3. inflection of einstellen: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## plural imperative


  1. to hire (to add someone to a position of employment)
  2. to adjust, to set
  3. to prepare
  4. to appear
  5. to cease, to stop
  6. to build in a way fusing with other buildings or the whole project
  7. to equal (a record)


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Das   zweidimensionale  Schnittmuster  stellt ein   dreidimensionales   Kleidungsstück   in  Einzelteile  zerlegt   dar .

The two-dimensional pattern represents a three-dimensional garment disassembled into individual parts.
