


  1. inflection of genannt: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular ## strong dative plural ## weak/mixed all-case plural
  2. inflection of genannt: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular ## strong dative plural ## weak/mixed all-case plural
  3. inflection of genannt: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular ## strong dative plural ## weak/mixed all-case plural
  4. inflection of genannt: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular ## strong dative plural ## weak/mixed all-case plural
  5. inflection of genannt: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular ## strong dative plural ## weak/mixed all-case plural

Pronounced as (IPA)



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Für   die   Beschäftigten   wurde   damals   Wohnraum   in   Form   der   so   genannten  „Plattenbauten“  geschaffen .

At that time, housing was created for the employees in the form of so-called "prefabricated buildings".
