


  1. inflection of blenden: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## second-person plural subjunctive I ## plural imperative
  2. inflection of blenden: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## second-person plural subjunctive I ## plural imperative
  3. inflection of blenden: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## second-person plural subjunctive I ## plural imperative
  4. inflection of blenden: ## third-person singular present ## second-person plural present ## second-person plural subjunctive I ## plural imperative


  1. to dazzle; to blind (confuse someone’s sight by means of excessive brightness)
  2. to show off; to pose (try to make an impression on someone by behaving affectedly and/or overstating one’s achievements)
  3. to blind (punish someone by making them blind)


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