


shall, will

Pronounced as (IPA)


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Daar   word   vertrou   dat   alle  belanghebbendes  die   inhoud   as  vernuwend  en  interessant  sal  ervaar.

It is trusted that all stakeholders will experience the content as innovative and interesting.

In  noodgevalle  sal   die  mediese noodbeampte  die  pasiënt na  die  gepaste mediese fasiliteit vervoer.

In emergencies, the emergency medical officer will transport the patient to the appropriate medical facility.

Sekere   van   hierdie  komponente  sal   tydens  gisting ontstaan terwyl  ander  na  die  gisproses ontstaan.

Some of these components will be produced during fermentation, while others will be produced after the fermentation process.

Sodra  hierdie  hoërisikogesinne gestabiliseer  is sal   die  fokus na mediumrisikogevalle verskuif.

Once these high - risk families are stabilized, the focus will shift to medium - risk situations.
