Woorden en zinnen
third-person singular past historic of devoir
- The third-person reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.
- The third-person reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.
- The third-person reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.
- The third-person reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.
- The third-person reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.
- The third-person reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.
- The second-person plural reflexive and reciprocal direct and indirect object pronoun.
- to give back
- to give back
- to render
- to render
- to render
- to render
- to pay (a visit, respects)
- to yield
- to vomit, to let out from the body
- to render oneself, to make oneself, to become due to one's actions
- to make one's way (to a place), to get oneself (into a place)
- to call on
- to surrender, to give in, to give oneself up to
little; not very much/many
- of (expresses belonging)
- of (used to express property or association)
- from (used to indicate origin)
- of (indicates an amount)
- used attributively, often translated into English as a compound word
- from (used to indicate the start of a time or range)
- used after certain verbs before an infinitive, often translated into English as a gerund or an infinitive
- by (indicates the amount of change)
- time (in general)
- weather
- tense
- after, later than in time.
- after, coming for, trying to get (someone).