


  1. To have (something) as a component or a related part; to comprise, to include.
  2. To have (something) as a component or a related part; to comprise, to include.
  3. To cause or engage (someone or something) to become connected or implicated, or to participate, in some activity or situation.
  4. To cause or engage (someone or something) to become connected or implicated, or to participate, in some activity or situation.
  5. To entangle, intertwine, or mingle (something with one or more other things, or several things together); especially, to entangle (someone or something) in a confusing or troublesome situation.
  6. To cover or envelop (something) completely; to hide, to surround.
  7. To form (something) into a coil or spiral, or into folds; to entwine, to fold up, to roll, to wind round.
  8. To make (something) intricate; to complicate.
  9. To multiply (a number) by itself a given number of times; to raise to any assigned power.

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Wekî (IPA) tê gotin


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