


first/third-person singular preterite of haben

Pronunciato come (IPA)


  1. to have (forms the perfect aspect)
  2. to have; to own (to possess, have ownership of; to possess a certain characteristic)
  3. to have; to hold (to contain within itself/oneself)
  4. to have, get (to obtain, acquire)
  5. to get (to receive)
  6. to have (to be scheduled to attend)
  7. to have (to be afflicted with, suffer from)
  8. to contain, be composed of, equal
  9. there be, there is, there are
  10. (colloquial) to make a fuss
  11. (colloquial) to be occupied with, to like, to be into
  12. (colloquial) to talk about
  13. to have (to do); must (do)


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Auch   in   der  Ostkolonisation  hatte   sich   das   Kloster   stark   engagiert .

Anche il monastero era stato molto impegnato nella colonizzazione orientale.
