Parole e frasi
- introduces a subordinate clause; that
- (obsolete) causal conjunction; as, since, because
- even though
- temporal or conditional conjunction; when; if
- temporal; until
- complimentative; that is, i.e.; namely
- because; Further details are uncertain.
- stand; site; station (place separated in space for a particular activity)
- position (place in the professional, social or political hierarchy)
- position (place in the organizational structure of an enterprise or institution, associated with a certain type of prestige)
- position, stand, take (someone's opinion)
- position (fortified occupied area)
- den (place where an animal dwells)
- position, hiding (place where a hunter waits while hunting)
- (obsolete) pause (rest or stop while travelling)
- (obsolete) stable
- (obsolete) marketplace for trading cattle
- (obsolete) dock (place for ships)
- (obsolete) fundamental (line acting as a base)
- camping (act of camping)
- used to attribute to the known object a characteristic that helps one know more about the topic; may optionally be followed by jest
- used to juxtapose elements that are equivalent
- used to indicate that the subject of the conversation has peculiarities which are familiar to the interlocutors, so that nothing else needs to be said about it in order to understand the topic
- in that case, then (used in if-constructions)
- actually (in act or in fact; really; in truth; positively)
- exactly (signifying agreement or recognition)
- just now, just then
dative singular mute of ja
third-person singular present of odpowiadać