


past participle of machen

Prononcé comme (IPA)


  1. to make, produce, create (an object, arrangement, situation, etc.)
  2. to make, prepare
  3. (informal) to do, perform, carry out (to execute; to put into operation (an action))
  4. to do; indicates an activity associated with a noun
  5. to go (to make the (specified) sound)
  6. to make (to cause or compel (to do something))
  7. to cause (to set off an event or action or produce as a result)
  8. to make (to cause to be)
  9. to make (transform from one thing into another)
  10. to make (to have as a feature)
  11. (colloquial,informal) to come to, total, cost (to require the payment of)
  12. to make, be (the result of a calculation)
  13. (colloquial,informal) to make (to earn, gain wages, profit, etc.)
  14. to be, play (to act as the indicated role, especially in a performance)
  15. (colloquial) to matter (to be important)
  16. to make, make oneself out to be, act, play (to behave so as to give an appearance of being; to act as if one were (something, or a certain way)) [+ auf (object)]
  17. (informal) to do one's business, do number two or number one, go (to defecate or urinate)
  18. to do (to fare or perform (well or poorly))
  19. to look (to have an appearance of being)
  20. (colloquial) to get cracking (an (“on,” “with”)), get a move on (it), to get down (an (“to”)) (something); (in imperative:) come on, let's go


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Schallplattenaufnahmen  mit   ihm   wurden   kaum   gemacht so   dass   sein   Name   heute   wenig   bekannt   ist .

Des coups d'enregistrement n'étaient guère faits avec lui, de sorte que son nom est peu connu aujourd'hui.

Leider   gibt   es   jedoch   Abschnitte   der  Entschließung,  wo   diese   Besonderheit   nicht
  deutlich   gemacht   wird .

Malheureusement, cependant, il existe des sections de la résolution, où cette fonctionnalité spéciale n'est pas clairement indiquée.
