


  1. gerund of leben: living
  2. life; being alive
  3. life; being alive
  4. life; being alive
  5. life; being alive
  6. life; way of life (a particular manner of behaving and passing one’s time, whether real or ideal, and whether self-chosen or not)
  7. biography; life; life story (an account of a person’s life, whether real or virtual)
  8. existence; life (a position one has created for oneself, often manifested in success, prosperity, and standing)
  9. life; precious or beloved thing that someone considers fundamental to their existence
  10. a measure of successful play
  11. a measure of successful play
  12. used as the object of certain verbs, often ones that are per se intransitive, for emphasis

Avec trait d'union comme
Prononcé comme (IPA)


  1. to live, to be alive
  2. to dwell, to reside
  3. to live, to exist, to occupy a place
  4. to cope with, to live with, to deal with


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Er   widmete   sein   Leben   der   Versöhnung   ehemaliger  Kriegsgegner.

Il a consacré sa vie à la réconciliation des anciens opposants de la guerre.

Terroristische   Angriffe   sind   Angriffe   auf
  das   grundlegendste   Menschenrecht   das   Recht   auf
  Leben .

Les attaques terroristes sont des attaques contre le droit humain le plus fondamental du droit à la vie.

Strenge   Regeln Erniedrigungen   und   brutaler   körperlicher   Drill   machen   das   Leben   im   Camp   zur   Hölle .

Des règles strictes, des humiliations et un exercice physique brutal font de la vie dans le camp un enfer.
