


  1. to itch (to feel itchy; to feel a need to be scratched)
  2. to sting
  3. to chop
  4. to bite
  5. to mince, to dice
  6. to stab; to wound
  7. (colloquial) to snack; to nibble; to have a bite
  8. to rot; to decay; to eat away; to rust
  9. to pique
  10. to crush (ice)
  11. to sting or be pungent to the lips or tongue, be spicy or, of a candy, very sour
  12. (slang) to sexually penetrate, fuck
  13. to get angry, get annoyed, take offence
  14. to turn sour
  15. to get addicted, fascinated, enraptured
  16. to bounce

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