


  1. inflection of früh: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular comparative degree ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular comparative degree ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular comparative degree ## strong dative plural comparative degree ## weak/mixed all-case plural comparative degree
  2. inflection of früh: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular comparative degree ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular comparative degree ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular comparative degree ## strong dative plural comparative degree ## weak/mixed all-case plural comparative degree
  3. inflection of früh: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular comparative degree ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular comparative degree ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular comparative degree ## strong dative plural comparative degree ## weak/mixed all-case plural comparative degree
  4. inflection of früh: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular comparative degree ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular comparative degree ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular comparative degree ## strong dative plural comparative degree ## weak/mixed all-case plural comparative degree
  5. inflection of früh: ## strong genitive masculine/neuter singular comparative degree ## weak/mixed genitive/dative all-gender singular comparative degree ## strong/weak/mixed accusative masculine singular comparative degree ## strong dative plural comparative degree ## weak/mixed all-case plural comparative degree




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Reste   der   früheren  Vegetationsstruktur  sind   im   Unterwuchs   noch   vorhanden .

Los restos de la estructura de vegetación anterior todavía están disponibles en el subcrowtth.
