


  1. inflection of sollen: ## first/third-person plural preterite ## first/third-person plural subjunctive II
  2. inflection of sollen: ## first/third-person plural preterite ## first/third-person plural subjunctive II

Προφέρεται ως (IPA)


  1. should; to be obligated (to do something); ought; shall
  2. to be recommended (to do something); to be asked (to do something)
  3. to be intended (to do something); to be meant (to be something)
  4. to be said (to do something); reportedly; they say that; I hear that; so they say; rumor has it; supposedly.
  5. would; indicates that the subordinate clause indicates something that would happen in the past but after the time frame of the main clause
  6. should; indicates that the subordinate clause indicates a hypothetical and unlikely condition for the main clause


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