Λέξεις και προτάσεις
- sock (covering for the foot; originally short form of meia-calça)
- (Brazil) Ellipsis of meia-entrada. (a ticket sold for half its normal price, as required by law, for students and children)
- obsolete unit of measure for liquids, equivalent to six pints
- half past (short form of meia hora)
- hour (period of sixty minutes)
- time (point in time)
- not; do not; have not (negates the meaning of the verb or adverb)
- (Brazil,colloquial) not; do not; have not (negates the meaning of the verb or adverb)
- not; do not; have not (negates the meaning of the verb or adverb)
- not; do not; have not (negates the meaning of the verb or adverb)
- non- (forms antonyms of adjectives)
- isn't it? right? (tag question)
third-person singular future indicative of haver
- for (directed at, intended to belong to or to be appropriate for)
- indicates application of an adjective; to
- to; so; in order to (indicates purpose)
- towards; to; in the direction of (indicates destination)
- introduces the location, direction or context that applies to a verb
- to (to the value of)
- in the opinion of
- about to; soon to be (indicates that something will happen soon)
The fifteenth letter of the Portuguese alphabet, written in the Latin script.
past participle of assistir