


nominative/accusative/vocative plural of głos

Mit Bindestrich als
Ausgesprochen als (IPA)

  1. voice (sound uttered by the mouth)
  2. voice (sound given by an object, particularly by an instrument)
  3. speech (ability to talk)
  4. voice (ability to sing, of a singer)
  5. voice; say (opinion)
  6. voice; say, floor (right to talk)
  7. vote (act of submitting one's opinion in official matters)
  8. voice (internal thoughts, opinions, etc.)
  9. voice (human voice as an instrument)
  10. part (musician's melodic line)
  11. voice (in harmony, an independent vocal or instrumental part in a piece of composition)
  12. voice (set of organ pipes that produce sounds of similar timbre)
  13. (obsolete) piece of news; rumor
  14. (obsolete) exhortation; piece of advice, tip, prompt; warning, admonishment
  15. (obsolete) written defense or application
  16. phone (speech segment)
  17. The meaning of this term is uncertain.


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" Wczoraj   słyszałem   głosy ."

"Ich habe gestern Stimmen gehört."

Każda  szepce,  krzyczy mówi   co   innego i
 mieszają  się   ich   głosy jak   gwar  tłumu.

Jedes Flüstern, schreit, sagt etwas anderes und ihre Stimmen sind gemischt, wie das Summen der Menge.
