


  1. Senses relating to becoming involved with or entering into, especially entering into a contract.
  2. Senses relating to becoming involved with or entering into, especially entering into a contract.
  3. Senses relating to becoming involved with or entering into, especially entering into a contract.
  4. Senses relating to pulling together or shortening.
  5. Senses relating to pulling together or shortening.
  6. Senses relating to pulling together or shortening.
  7. Senses relating to pulling together or shortening.
  8. Senses relating to pulling together or shortening.
  9. Senses relating to pulling together or shortening.
  10. Senses relating to pulling together or shortening.
  11. Senses relating to pulling together or shortening.
  12. Senses relating to pulling together or shortening.
  13. (obsolete) Senses relating to pulling together or shortening.

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Elongation   in   hydrostats   is   caused   by   the   contraction   of   transverse   or   helical   musculature   arrangements .

Die Dehnung bei Hydrostaten wird durch die Kontraktion von Quer- oder helikalen Muskulaturanordnungen verursacht.
