Wörter und Sätze
female equivalent of eks (“ex”) (ex-partner)
- hour (time period of sixty minutes)
- o'clock
- hour (season, moment, or time)
- lesson of forty-five minutes
- hour (set times of prayer, the canonical hours, the offices or services prescribed for these, or a book containing them)
- six o'clock (start of the seventh hour of the day; 6:00 a.m. (06:00))
- six o'clock (start of the nineteenth hour of the day; 6:00 p.m. (18:00))
- after (later in time or sequence)
- after (in pursuit of)
- around, about
- past
- on
- for indicates that a container was previously used for something
- from
- after (in allusion to), for
- done for (doomed)
- for (in order to obtain)
- up to, as far as
- in, for, at denotes a quantity of something
- according to, in the way of, a la, as
- in (the language of)
- inflection of południe:
- inflection of południe: