


third-person singular present of nehmen

Pronunciat com a (IPA)


  1. to take (something into one's possession or on one's body)
  2. to take from
  3. to hold (in one's hands), to grasp
  4. to take, to consider (a statement, a situation, an idea, etc, in a certain way, for example seriously, badly, personally)
  5. to capture, to arrest
  6. to ingest (e.g. a pill)
  7. to move into, to sit at (one's assigned position)
  8. to use (time, effort, etc. for a specific purpose)
  9. To begin or cause the action implied by a noun to take place, possibly making the sentence more passive or indirect.
  10. to cause oneself to be (in some state); to become; to take oneself (to some state)
  11. to seize, to capture
  12. to receive, to accept
  13. to foul


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