Paraules i frases
- now; right now (at the present time)
- now; any more (differently from the past)
- just now (very recently)
- this (in the current or next [date])
The first letter of the Portuguese alphabet, written in the Latin script.
Contraction of de essas (“of/from those (feminine, near you)”): feminine plural of desse
feminine singular of feito
- for (directed at, intended to belong to or to be appropriate for)
- indicates application of an adjective; to
- to; so; in order to (indicates purpose)
- towards; to; in the direction of (indicates destination)
- introduces the location, direction or context that applies to a verb
- to (to the value of)
- in the opinion of
- about to; soon to be (indicates that something will happen soon)
- third-person singular and plural reflexive pronoun; himself; herself; itself; themselves
- (Brazil,colloquial) first-person singular reflexive pronoun; myself
- third-person singular and plural reciprocal pronoun; each other; one another
- (Brazil,colloquial) first-person plural reciprocal pronoun; each other; one another
- second-person singular and plural reflexive and reciprocal pronoun, when used with second-person pronouns other than tu and vós; yourself; yourselves
- impersonal pronominal verb; oneself
- accessory, when it is used to embellish the verb without its omission impairing the understanding.
- particle of spontaneity, when it indicates that there was spontaneity in the action by its agent.
- to sense; to feel (to perceive by means of biological senses)
- to feel (to feel with the skin or hands)
- to feel (to experience an emotion or feeling [noun])
- to feel (to experience an emotion or feeling [adjective])
- to feel; to think (to vaguely expect that something is the case or will happen)
- to feel (to experience the consequences of)
- to be offended by (a comment)
- to be significantly harmed by
- to be sorry, to be regretful
- to foretell; to foresee
- to hear; to overhear