Homens Selfstandige naamwoord fracos Byvoeglike naamwoord acreditam Werkwoord na sorte Selfstandige naamwoord . Homens Selfstandige naamwoord fortes Byvoeglike naamwoord acreditam Werkwoord em Aanneming causa Selfstandige naamwoord e Koördinerende konjunksie efeito Selfstandige naamwoord .
Selfstandige naamwoord
Byvoeglike naamwoord
Selfstandige naamwoord
Selfstandige naamwoord
Byvoeglike naamwoord
Selfstandige naamwoord
Koördinerende konjunksie
Selfstandige naamwoord
Weak men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect. Weak men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.
Woorde en sinne
masculine plural of fraco
masculine/feminine plural of forte
third-person plural present indicative of acreditar
- in; inside; within (contained by)
- on; on top of (located just above the surface of)
- in; at (located in a location)
- in (part of; a member of)
- in; into; inside (towards the inside of)
- indicates the target of an action
- in (pertaining to the particular thing)
- in (immediately after a period of time)
- in; during (within a period of time)
- at; in (in a state of)
- in (indicates means, medium, format, genre or instrumentality)
- in (indicates a language, script, tone etc. of writing, speaking etc.)
- in (wearing)
- (slang) indicates that the object deserves a given punishment
- cause, reason
- suit, lawsuit
- goal, aim
- and (connects two clauses indicating that the events occurred together, one after the other or without any special implication)
- and (connects the last and penultimate elements in a list)
- and (connects every element of a list)
- and (indicates a conjunction operation)
- and (indicates a great number of something)
- effect (result of an action)
- effect
- effect
plural of homem