


  1. in; inside; within (contained by)
  2. on; on top of (located just above the surface of)
  3. in; at (located in a location)
  4. in (part of; a member of)
  5. in; into; inside (towards the inside of)
  6. indicates the target of an action
  7. in (pertaining to the particular thing)
  8. in (immediately after a period of time)
  9. in; during (within a period of time)
  10. at; in (in a state of)
  11. in (indicates means, medium, format, genre or instrumentality)
  12. in (indicates a language, script, tone etc. of writing, speaking etc.)
  13. in (wearing)
  14. (slang) indicates that the object deserves a given punishment

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