


first-person singular masculine past of czekać

Được gạch nối như
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Phát âm là (IPA)

  1. to wait (to delay movement or action until the arrival or occurrence of) [+ na (accusative) = for/on what/whom], [+ aż (future) = until what happens], [+ żeby (past) = for someone to do something]
  2. to wait, to await (to expect with hope or worry) [+ na (accusative)] or (Poznań, from German) [+ za (instrumental) = for/on what/whom], [+genitive = whom/what], [+ żeby (past) = for someone to do something]
  3. to wait (to delay or put off action) [+ na (accusative) = on what], [+ z (instrumental) = with what]
  4. to wait (to need a particular action to occur) [+ na (accusative) = for/on what/whom], [+ żeby (past) = for someone to do something]
  5. to wait (to be ready to be used or occupies) [+ na (accusative) = on whom]
  6. to lie ahead, to lie in store [+genitive] or [+ na (accusative) = for whom/what]
  7. to wait; Further details are uncertain.

Tiếng Ba Lan

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