


  1. to open
  2. to begin, to initiate
  3. to open (of a door or a flower)
  4. to open, to begin
  5. to turn on, to switch on, to put on (of a device or an appliance)
  6. to open it or the door, to answer it or the door, to get it
  7. to cut something open, to gash something (of a part of one's body)
  8. to open onto, to lead into (+ sur)
  9. to open onto, to overlook, to look onto (of a door or a window) (+ sur)
  10. to open up to, to be open to, to be exposed to, to get a feel for (+ à)
  11. to open up to, to confide in (+ à)
  12. to make, to create, to open up (e.g., a path)

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