


  1. A person who writes, or produces literary work; an author can refer to themselves as "the writer".
  2. Anything that writes or produces output.
  3. The seller of an option.
  4. A clerk of a certain rank in the service of the East India Company, who, after serving a certain number of years, became a factor.
  5. An ordinary legal practitioner in Scottish country towns.
  6. A petty officer in the United States navy who keeps the watch-muster and other books of the ship.
  7. (slang) A graffiti artist.

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Tiếng Anh

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Pottekkatt  was   a
  of   strong   social   commitment   and   ideals possessing   an   individualistic   vision .

Pottekkatt là một nhà văn của sự cam kết và lý tưởng xã hội mạnh mẽ, sở hữu một tầm nhìn cá nhân.
