


  1. The act, process, or result of reducing.
  2. The amount or rate by which something is reduced, e.g. in price.
  3. A reaction in which electrons are gained and valence is reduced; often by the removal of oxygen or the addition of hydrogen.
  4. The process of rapidly boiling a sauce to concentrate it.
  5. The rewriting of an expression into a simpler form.
  6. A transformation of one problem into another problem, such as mapping reduction or polynomial-time reduction.
  7. An arrangement for a far smaller number of parties, e.g. a keyboard solo based on a full opera.
  8. A philosophical procedure intended to reveal the objects of consciousness as pure phenomena. (See phenomenological reduction.)
  9. A medical procedure to restore a fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment, usually with a closed approach but sometimes with an open approach (surgery).
  10. A reduced price of something by a fraction or decimal.
  11. The ratio of a material's change in thickness compared to its thickness prior to forging and/or rolling.

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Tiếng Anh

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Truy cập trang khóa học Tiếng Anh của chúng tôi
The   referendum   did   not
  provide   how   the   reduction   of   members   was   to   occur .

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