


  1. That which resolves uncertainty; anything that answers the question of "what a given entity is".
  2. Things that are or can be known about a given topic; communicable knowledge of something.
  3. The act of informing or imparting knowledge; notification.
  4. A statement of criminal activity brought before a judge or magistrate; in the UK, used to inform a magistrate of an offence and request a warrant; in the US, an accusation brought before a judge without a grand jury indictment.
  5. (obsolete) The act of informing against someone, passing on incriminating knowledge; accusation.
  6. The systematic imparting of knowledge; education, training.
  7. The creation of form; the imparting of a given quality or characteristic; forming, animation.
  8. […] the meaning that a human assigns to data by means of the known conventions used in its representation.
  9. Divine inspiration.
  10. A service provided by telephone which provides listed telephone numbers of a subscriber.
  11. Any unambiguous abstract data, the smallest possible unit being the bit.
  12. As contrasted with data, information is processed to extract relevant data.
  13. Any ordered sequence of symbols (or signals) (that could contain a message).

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