


  1. A wheeled vehicle that moves independently, with at least three wheels, powered mechanically, steered by a driver and mostly for personal transportation.
  2. A wheeled vehicle, drawn by a horse or other animal
  3. A wheeled vehicle, drawn by a horse or other animal
  4. (obsolete) A wheeled vehicle, drawn by a horse or other animal
  5. Any vehicle designed to run on rails
  6. Any vehicle designed to run on rails
  7. Any vehicle designed to run on rails
  8. Any vehicle designed to run on rails
  9. Any vehicle designed to run on rails
  10. The moving, load-carrying component of an elevator or other cable-drawn transport mechanism.
  11. The passenger-carrying portion of certain amusement park rides, such as Ferris wheels.
  12. The part of an airship, such as a balloon or dirigible, which houses the passengers and control apparatus.
  13. A sliding fitting that runs along a track.
  14. (informal) The aggregate of desirable characteristics of a car.
  15. A floating perforated box for living fish.
  16. (slang) A clique or gang.
  17. Deliberate misspelling of cat.

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