


  1. A state of the United States. Capital: Tallahassee. Largest city: Jacksonville.
  2. The peninsula which makes up most of the state of Florida, United States.
  3. Several places in South and Central America:
  4. Several places in South and Central America:
  5. Several places in South and Central America:
  6. Several places in South and Central America:
  7. Several places in South and Central America:
  8. Several places in South and Central America:
  9. Several places in South and Central America:
  10. Several places in South and Central America:
  11. Several places in South and Central America:
  12. Several places in the Caribbean:
  13. Several places in the Caribbean:
  14. Several places in the Caribbean:
  15. Several places in the Caribbean:
  16. Several places in the United States:
  17. Several places in the United States:
  18. Several places in the United States:
  19. Several places in the United States:
  20. Several places in the United States:
  21. Several places in the United States:
  22. Several places in the United States:
  23. Several places in the United States:
  24. Several places in the United States:
  25. Several places in the United States:
  26. A suburb of Johannesburg, Gauteng province, South Africa, perhaps named for the state.
  27. An unincorporated community in Ontario, Canada.
  28. University of Florida.

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Tiếng Anh

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Truy cập trang khóa học Tiếng Anh của chúng tôi
After   he
  was   fired the   two   left   Puerto Rico
  to   work in   Miami Florida .

Sau khi anh ta bị sa thải, hai người rời Puerto Rico để làm việc ở Miami, Florida.
