


  1. to come (to move towards the speaker or the agent)
  2. to come; to arrive (to reach a destination, especially where the speaker is)
  3. to come (to manifest itself; to occur)
  4. to come (to be located in a certain position in a sequence)
  5. to come from; to be from (to have as one’s place of origin)
  6. to be caused by; to be due to
  7. to come back (from); to return (from)
  8. have/has been (forms the present perfect progressive aspect)
  9. to end up (to eventually do)
  10. (colloquial) to bitch; to whine (to complain, especially unnecessarily)

(IPA) olarak telaffuz edilir


  1. to see; to observe (to perceive with one’s eyes)
  2. to see (to be able to see; not to be blind or blinded)
  3. to see; to understand
  4. to see; to notice; to realise (to come to a conclusion)
  5. to check (to verify some fact or condition)
  6. to check with (to consult [someone] for information)
  7. to watch (to be part of the audience of a visual performance or broadcast)
  8. to see; to visit
  9. to pay (to face negative consequences)
  10. to find oneself (to be in a given situation, especially unexpectedly)
  11. (Brazil,informal) to get used when ordering something from a waiter or attendant


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