


third-person singular masculine past of prowadzić

Şu şekilde tirelenmiştir:
♂️ Eril
(IPA) olarak telaffuz edilir

  1. to lead (to guide a person or animal)
  2. to drive (to be the conductor of a vehicle)
  3. to lead (to guide or conduct a dance with a partner) [+ w (locative) = in what dance]
  4. to lead, to guide (to give motion to a particular object) [+instrumental = with what]
  5. to lead (to constitute an access or passage to some place or in some direction)
  6. to lead, to guide (to mark out the course or location of the facility under construction)
  7. to lead, to conduct (to be the leader of, to guide, to manage)
  8. to conduct (to carry out i.e. a conversation)
  9. to keep (to create some text or document by systematically enlarging or supplementing it over a long period of time)
  10. to lead (to be better than; to have more points than) [+instrumental = by how much/many (points)], [+ z (instrumental) = against whom], [+ w (locative) = in what (activity)]
  11. to lead (to be ahead of e.g. in a race)
  12. to lead to (to result in something; to be the cause of) [+ do (genitive) = to what]
  13. to draw a line correctly
  14. to guide (to give the plant a planned shape, size and form through special care treatments)
  15. to direct (to give a specific course to the plot of a literary or film work)
  16. to lead (to emphasize the main motif of a composed or performed piece of music)
  17. (obsolete) to rear; to guide (to influence someone's behaviour)
  18. (obsolete) to deliver, to carry (to cause something to go somewhere)
  19. (obsolete) to pull strings for
  20. (obsolete) to derive
  21. (obsolete) to follow fleeing birds so as not to startle them
  22. to lead each other, to lead one other (holding each other's hands, to follow one another somewhere) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  23. to go out (to keep close contact with and go with to public places) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  24. to conduct oneself (to perform actions seen as either approrpriate or inappropriate) [+ z (instrumental) = with whom]
  25. to handle; to be driven
  26. to be led, to be guided
  27. to walk together
  28. to be conducted


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