


  1. to go; to ride; to take; to drive (to commute by vehicle) [+infinitive = to do what] [+instrumental = (by) what] [+ na (locative) = on what]
  2. to go (to locomote)
  3. to race (to participate in a race in which one races in a vehicle) [+ w (locative) = in what]
  4. to drive, to ride (to go in a vehicle)
  5. to drive, to ride (to go in a vehicle)
  6. (colloquial) to chew out; to come after (to criticize harshly) [+dative] or [+ po (locative) = whom/what]
  7. (colloquial) to come after (to reduce the amount of money owed to someone as a punishment) [+dative = whom] or [+ po (locative) = after]
  8. (colloquial) to blurt out (to say something unnecessary without thinking)
  9. to chase (to go after hunted game)
  10. to come after (to attack; physically or verbally)

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