


instrumental singular of powód

Şu şekilde tirelenmiştir:
(IPA) olarak telaffuz edilir

  1. cause, reason [+ do (genitive) = for what], [+ żeby (past tense/infinitive)] or [+infinitive = to do what]
  2. lead (strap or rope connected to a bridle on which a horse is led)
  3. (obsolete) leading (act of leading)
  4. (obsolete) logic, sense, reasoning
  5. (obsolete) argument, reasoning
  6. (obsolete) strips that are nailed in a shaft's compartments on which boxes slide when they are pulled out so that they do not interfere with the shaft lining
  7. consultation
  8. model (example that people follow)
  9. origin, source; beginning
  10. course of events
  11. premise (basis of inference)
  12. topic (subject of discussion)
  13. proceedings; case
  14. success
  15. civil horses (horses prepared in cities so that a representative of the authorities making a longer journey could replace tired horses with rested ones)
  16. civic duty of providing a ruler or his representatives with means of transport


Lehçe learnfeliz ile öğrenmeye başlayın.

powodem " ve Lehçe içindeki diğer birçok kelime ve cümleyi konuşma ve ezberleme alıştırması yapın.

Lehçe kurs sayfamıza gidin
" Tak   słaby   jeszcze   rozwój   przemysłu   jest   powodem   olbrzymiej   wprost   liczby  bezrobotnych."

Diyerek şöyle devam etti: "Sanayinin bu kadar kötü gelişimi, çok sayıda işsiz olmasının nedenidir."
