


genitive singular of stopień

Şu şekilde tirelenmiştir:
♂️ Eril
(IPA) olarak telaffuz edilir

  1. stair (a single step in a staircase)
  2. degree, rank, level (place in a systemized hierarchy)
  3. degree, rank, level (place in a systemized hierarchy)
  4. degree (the amount that an entity possesses a certain property; relative intensity, extent)
  5. mark, grade, score (review of performance) [+ z (genitive) = in what subject]
  6. degree (a unit of measurement of temperature on any of several scales, such as Celsius or Fahrenheit)
  7. degree (a unit of measurement of angle equal to ¹⁄₃₆₀ of a circle's circumference)
  8. degree of comparison (a form of an adjective that indicates a different degree of the attribute the adjective denotes; like the positive, comparative and superlative forms)
  9. step (the interval between two contiguous degrees of the scale)
  10. degree (a unit of measurement of latitude and longitude which together identify a location on the Earth's surface)


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