


third-person singular masculine past of czuć

♂️ Eril
(IPA) olarak telaffuz edilir

  1. to feel, to sense (to perceive with one's senses)
  2. to feel, to sense (to perceive with one's senses)
  3. (obsolete) to feel, to sense (to perceive with one's senses)
  4. to feel (to experience or have a particular emotion) [+ do (genitive) = for/towards whom]
  5. to feel (to suspect or realize that something is happening)
  6. to feel (to suspect or realize that something will happen)
  7. (obsolete) to stay up (to not sleep)
  8. to be alert or attentive; to try, to strive; to take care of, to look after; to guard, to defend
  9. to feel; Further details are uncertain.
  10. to feel (to experience an emotion or other mental state)
  11. to feel like (to consider oneself as having traits particular to some group, personality, etc.) [+instrumental = like who]
  12. (obsolete) to be conscious
  13. to feel (to suspect or realize that something will happen)
  14. to realize (to become aware of)
  15. to be on guard; to think carefully; to look after; to try, to take care of


Lehçe learnfeliz ile öğrenmeye başlayın.

czuł " ve Lehçe içindeki diğer birçok kelime ve cümleyi konuşma ve ezberleme alıştırması yapın.

Lehçe kurs sayfamıza gidin
" Bolało   go   całe   ciało w głowie   miał   szum czuł   osłabienie ale  postanowił  wstać ."

"Bütün beden acıyor, kafasında gürültü vardı, zayıflık hissetti, ama kalkmaya karar verdi."

Wobec   burzy , piorunów, huraganu,  dżdżu ciemności   i
  wobec   lwów czuł   się   bezbronny   i
  bezradny .

Fırtına, yıldırım, kasırga, yağmur, karanlık ve aslanlar göz önüne alındığında, savunmasız ve çaresiz hissetti.
