Anlam (İngilizce)
- the act of going through a place or event
- the time when such an act occurs
- Circulation, traffic, movement
- Moment when a star or planet occults another, or crosses a meridian
- a short stay
- a trip or travel, especially by boat
- the act of going from a state to another
- graduation from a school year
- the act of making something undergo a process
- the act of handing something to someone
- an access way
- a laid out way allowing to go across something
- an alley or alleyway off-limits to cars
- a paragraph or section of text or music
Eş anlamlılar
couloir central
nef latérale
poème en 7 syllabes
gorge abyssale
corridor urbain
(IPA) olarak telaffuz edilir
Etimoloji (İngilizce)
From Old French, from passer + -age.
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Commence alors vers la deuxième 2nd boucle ➿ par le premier 1st passage sur 🔛 la ligne d'arrivée .
Daha sonra bitiş çizgisinde ilk geçişle ikinci döngüye doğru başlar.