
Anlam (İngilizce)

Eş anlamlılar

most recent

at the end

cobbler’s last

last of all

final stage


last one

be durable

shoemaker’s last

wear well

proceed with

at the bottom

be sufficient

last month

stopping point

the last

the very last

be adequate

be last

most recently

run for

strong enough

at the rear

terminal stage

the past

last for

the last one

only remaining

live a while longer

at the back

lowest in caste

be fast

become old

be economical

before last

most degraded

come last

continue to exist

most distant

be enough

keep well

remain alive

shoe last

stay alive

having a special purpose

be enough for

after everyone

hold still for

last breath

be prolonged

maintain itself

make itself pay

time required

be permanent

after everything

be adequate for

be protracted

be sufficient for

keep doing


suffice for

last year

be constant


(IPA) olarak telaffuz edilir
Etimoloji (İngilizce)

From Middle English laste, latst, syncopated variant of latest.

Bunu yer imlerine ekle

Telaffuzunuzu geliştirin

Bu kelimeyi yaz


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