


  1. A sketch or account of anything in words; a portraiture or representation in language; an enumeration of the essential qualities of a thing or species.
  2. The act of describing; a delineation by marks or signs.
  3. A set of characteristics by which someone or something can be recognized.
  4. A scientific documentation of a taxon for the purpose of introducing it to science.
  5. The act or practice of recording and describing actual language usage in a given speech community, as opposed to prescription, i.e. laying down norms of language usage.
  6. A descriptive linguistic survey.

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İngilizce learnfeliz ile öğrenmeye başlayın.

description " ve İngilizce içindeki diğer birçok kelime ve cümleyi konuşma ve ezberleme alıştırması yapın.

İngilizce kurs sayfamıza gidin
The   description   ends   abruptly   during   the  Count's  War perhaps   because of  Helgesen's  death

Açıklama, Sayının savaşı sırasında, belki de Helgesen'in ölümü nedeniyle aniden sona erer.
