
Anlam (İngilizce)

  1. To set the boundaries or limits of.
  2. To ascertain definitely; to figure out, find out, or conclude by analyzing, calculating, or investigating.
  3. To fix the form or character of; to shape; to prescribe imperatively; to regulate; to settle.
  4. To fix the course of; to impel and direct; with a remoter object preceded by to.
  5. To bring to a conclusion, as a question or controversy; to settle authoritative or judicial sentence; to decide.
  6. To resolve (to do something); to establish a fixed intention; to cause (something) to come to a conclusion or decision; to lead.
  7. To define or limit by adding a differentia.
  8. To bring to an end; to finish.

Eş anlamlılar

make up one’s mind

tie on

intend to

believe on firmly

have an intention of

result in

stick to the pan

come to a decision

make certain

pass judgement on


tare weight

decide for

set one’s mind

be able to stand up to

be able to take

be doughty

be intent

be the cause of

firmly convinced

fully confident of

have decided

render a decision

resist without yielding

direct the mind towards

resolve upon

determination criterion

get to the bottom

clamp down


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Etimoloji (İngilizce)

From Middle English determinen, from Old French determiner, French déterminer, from Latin determināre (“to bound, limit, prescribe, fix, determine”), from de + termināre (“to limit”), from terminus (“bound, limit, end”).

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