


simple past and past participle of administer


  1. To apportion out, distribute.
  2. To manage or supervise the conduct, performance or execution of; to govern or regulate the parameters for the conduct, performance or execution of; to work in an administrative capacity.
  3. To minister (to).
  4. To settle, as the estate of one who dies without a will, or whose will fails of an executor.
  5. To give, as an oath.
  6. To give (a drug, to a patient), be it orally or by any other means.
  7. To cause (a patient, human or animal) to ingest (a drug), either by openly offering or through deceit.


İngilizce learnfeliz ile öğrenmeye başlayın.

administered " ve İngilizce içindeki diğer birçok kelime ve cümleyi konuşma ve ezberleme alıştırması yapın.

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