Anlam (İngilizce)
- (form-of,plural,present,second-person) inflection of gehen:
- (form-of,present,singular,third-person) inflection of gehen:
- (form-of,imperative,plural) inflection of gehen:
(IPA) olarak telaffuz edilir
- (class-7,intransitive,strong) to go, to walk
- (class-7,intransitive,strong) to leave
- (class-7,intransitive,strong) to leave, to take off (aeroplane, train)
- (class-7,impersonal,intransitive,strong) to be going; to be all right [with dative ‘for someone’ and predicate adjective ‘in a particular way’] (idiomatically translated by English be doing or similar, with the dative object as the subject)
- (class-7,impersonal,intransitive,often,strong) to be possible
- (class-7,colloquial,intransitive,strong) to work, to function (of a machine, method or the like)
- (class-7,colloquial,intransitive,strong) to last, to go for, to go on, to be in progress
- (class-7,strong) to sit, to rise, to expand (of dough etc.)
- (class-7,colloquial,intransitive,strong) to be (on) (to pay)
- (class-7,dated,impersonal,intransitive,regional,strong) to be approaching
- (class-7,strong) to go one's way, to make one's way (of a path, destination), to go separate ways
Telaffuzunuzu geliştirin
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Beim Stockholmer Programm geht es vielleicht um das Gesetz , jedoch nicht 🚫 um Gerechtigkeit .
Stockholm programı yasa ile ilgili olabilir, ancak adaletle ilgili değil.
Nun geht es darum , diese Unterlagen zu berücksichtigen und sehr sorgfältig auszuwerten .
Şimdi bu belgeleri dikkate almak ve çok dikkatli bir şekilde değerlendirmekle ilgilidir.
Ich möchte jedoch betonen , dass es nicht 🚫 um die Umverteilung bestehender Ressourcen geht .
Ancak, bunun mevcut kaynakların yeniden dağıtılmasıyla ilgili olmadığını vurgulamak istiyorum.