
Anlam (İngilizce)

  1. (intransitive,weak) to work (to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers)
  2. (intransitive,weak) to work, function, run, operate (to be operative, in action)
  3. (intransitive,weak) to ferment (to react, using fermentation)
  4. (intransitive,weak) to work, execute (to set into action)
  5. (transitive,weak) to make, produce (to create)
  6. (transitive,weak) to do, perform (to carry out or execute, especially something involving work)
  7. (reflexive,weak) to work oneself (to) (to make oneself (a certain state) by working)
  8. (reflexive,weak) to work one's way (to attain through work, by gradual degrees)
  9. (impersonal,reflexive,weak) to work (translated by rephrasing to use a general “you” or with the gerund, “working”) (to do a specific task by employing physical or mental powers)

Eş anlamlılar

tätig sein

sich abrackern

sich abmühen

sich quälen

Einkünfte haben

seinen Unterhalt verdienen

sich beschäftigen

sich betätigen

sich abplacken

sich zu schaffen machen

sich plagen




sich schwer tun

Wehen haben

in den Wehen liegen

sich placken


werktätig sein


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Etimoloji (İngilizce)

From Old High German arbeiten, from Proto-Germanic *arbaidijaną, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *h₃órbʰos (“orphan”), from which English orphan is also derived. Cognates include Dutch arbeiden, Old Saxon arvedian, Gothic 𐌰𐍂𐌱𐌰𐌹𐌳𐌾𐌰𐌽 (arbaidjan).

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Sie   können   mit   Dauermagneten   oder   Elektromagneten   arbeiten .

Kalıcı mıknatıslar veya elektromagetlerle çalışabilirsiniz.

Industrieroboter  arbeiten   flink   und   ausgesprochen   präzise .

Endüstriyel robotlar çevik ve son derece hassas bir şekilde çalışır.

Viele   Einwohner   arbeiten   in  Palmer, Wasilla  und  Anchorage.

Birçok sakin Palmer, Wasilla ve Anchorage'da çalışıyor.
