Kelimeler ve cümleler
- nominative feminine singular of dieser; "this"
- accusative feminine singular of dieser; "this"
- nominative plural of dieser; "these"
- accusative plural of dieser; "these"
- place, stead, location, position, lieu
- position (as a job), employment
- digit, decimal place
- he.
- it (when the grammatical gender of the object/article/thing/animal etc., being referred to, is masculine (der)).
- she (when the grammatical gender of the noun being referred to and designating a female person, is masculine (der)).
- Alternative spelling of Er (you (polite))
- after, past (later in time)
- after, behind (in sequence)
- to, towards (with geographical names; see usage notes below)
- according to; guided by
- by the authority of; following
- like (see usage notes below)
- for (indicating desire for an object)
- to unite or unify (for example a group of people)
- to agree, to reach an agreement
dative plural of Monat
- also; too; as well (in addition to whatever or whoever has previously been listed)
- Used for emphasis.
- Used for emphasis.
- Used for emphasis.
- even (implying an extreme example in the case mentioned, as compared to the implied reality)
- ever as in whatever, whenever, however, etc.
- on; upon; at; in; against
- by; near; close to; next to
- on; in; at
- a; per; only used with the word Tag (“day”), otherwise use in