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School is the place where you learn things and try not to fall asleep. Let's discover some sentences you might hear in school!

Sanjiang  University   also   recruits   foreign   students .

Sanjiang Üniversitesi de yabancı öğrencileri işe alır.

Jimei  University   is   structured   into   faculties   called   colleges   and   schools .

Jimei Üniversitesi, kolej ve okullar adı verilen fakültelere yapılandırılmıştır.

Polk   Township   residents   may   also   use   the   Western  Pocono  Community   Library   situated   in  Brodheadsville.

Polk Township sakinleri Brodheadsville'de bulunan Western Pocono Topluluk Kütüphanesi'ni de kullanabilirler.