Family is where life begins, and love never ends. So here is a collection specially created to address your family.
His grandfather is British .
Büyükbabası İngiliz.
She 👩 and her sister 👩👧 Victoire were the first 1st two Congolese 🇨🇩/🇨🇬 women parachutists .
O ve kız kardeşi Victoire ilk iki Kongo kadın paraşütçü idi.
Ulrich Salchow was married to the dentist Doctor 🧑⚕️ Anne-Elisabeth Salchow .
Ulrich Salchow, diş hekimi doktoru Anne-Elisabeth Salchow ile evlendi.
Bathycongrus gattulatus is a species of genus Bathycongrus, family 👪 Congridae.
Bathycongrus gattulatus, Bathycongrus, aile kongresi türü bir türdür.